Wednesday 27 April 2011


I've always wanted something to blog about.... in all honesty I'm still not sure I do, but I'm going to blog away anyway!

This blog is to set out my experiences with a notorious and controversial site called; essentially it's a dating site where only the aesthetically pleasing are accepted! Having tried a few of the other (free - I'm a student, I'm not paying!) dating sites around and drawing blanks, I thought I'd give it a go.

This site has been in the news for all the wrong reasons in the past....

Now I'm British, but most definitely not fat...

Anyway, I was recently accepted after the 48-hour "rating" period; where members view your pictures to see if you're of the right calibre.

Minor ego-boost over, I set about browsing the goods.

Definitely not bad... Don't get me wrong, only about 10% of the guys are to my personal taste, but there's a lot more on offer than the usual run-of the mill site. I'm surprised to see a good range of people, young and old and the fairly average to the very nice!

I guess I have to answer the question of why I'm doing this if I'm "beautiful" enough to be part of their club. Well honestly, I wouldn't rate myself as particularly beautiful. I know I'm striking - I work as a model and I get second glances in the street, but I wouldn't call myself cute, pretty or "attractive". I've been very messed around by a number of lovers and other men (there have been no boyfriends) in the past, but after deciding last year to make my own life, I started asking guys out instead of waiting for them to come to me (which never happens, by the way). Having been shot down three times in as many weeks though, my confidence was a bit wobbly... Nevermind, tried again this year... Same result. It seems the guaranteed way to make a man run a mile is to ask them if they want to get a drink.

So I'm back on the old online dating scene again (and Christ I'm only 21! Well, nearly 22, but still). This time however, it's a site with a difference, and I'm hoping my experience will be very different.